Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a referral to see a psychologist?

No, you can book in with us as a private client at your earliest convenience. However, you might like to arrange a referral through your GP (called a Mental Health Care Plan) as this will allow you access to a Medicare rebate.

What is Telehealth?

Resolute Psychology conducts sessions via Telehealth (phone or video consultation) using online video technology such as Zoom. Our preference is to use online video as this enables our psychologists and clients to see one another. However, sometimes because of technical issues such as software problems or issues with internet connection, we will conduct sessions over the telephone as the next best option.

How does Medicare work with Telehealth?

Currently you can access an initial 10 Medicare subsidised telehealth sessions with a GP referred Mental Health Care Plan under the Better Access to Mental Health Care Initiative.

What is the Medicare rebate?

With a Mental Health Care Plan from your GP or psychiatrist, you may be eligible for a Medicare rebate. The current Medicare rebate is $136.35.

Is a telehealth consultation as effective as a face-to-face consultation?

Psychology sessions provided using telehealth services have been found to be as effective as face-to-face appointments for a variety of mental health issues. Please contact us about whether telehealth consultations are appropriate and suitable for you.

What do I need?

You will need a smartphone, tablet or computer with an internet connection, camera and microphone (most modern devices have these built in). It would be useful to have headphones as this can help with the audio quality. Please ensure that your device is fully charged and has adequate internet speed. We also encourage you to find a private space, such as a bedroom with a door that you can close, so that you can speak freely and not be interrupted.

What should I expect when seeing a psychologist?

In the first session, the psychologist will try to understand the nature of your difficulties and what brought you to therapy. The psychologist will also ask you about various areas of your life to develop a better understanding of your current circumstances. While the psychologist will ask questions about you, they will also try to make you feel comfortable and at ease. The psychologist will then reflect to you their understanding of your difficulties to ensure that you agree with their interpretations. An individualised treatment plan will be developed with you to help improve your wellbeing and life circumstances.

How long are sessions?

Sessions are approximately 50 minutes in duration.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions that a person requires depends on your presenting concerns and the complexities of your situation. A number of factors contribute towards showing improvements in mood and coping with difficulties, for instance, your motivation for change, supports around you, how willing you are to open up in therapy and how regularly you commit to attending therapy. Some may only attend a few sessions, others may need ongoing therapy for a longer period of time.

Are sessions confidential?

All sessions are confidential except when there is a risk of harm to yourself and/or to others, or if a subpoena is made by the court.

Some communication of your progress will also be maintained with your GP if you have been referred by your GP and have a Mental Health Care Plan.

What if I need to cancel my appointment?

Should you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please contact Resolute Psychology as soon as possible to ensure that your appointment time can be offered to someone else. Please note that a minimum of 48 hours notice is required to avoid a 50% cancellation fee. Missed appointments without notice will be charged a 100% cancellation fee.

Do you see clients through Workcover, NDIS, TAC, Victims of Crime, ATAPS, Employee Assistance Programs or other third party organisations?

No, unfortunately we do not see clients through other third party organisations at this time.